Instagram growth service and what works best

It’s no secret that with time Instagram is getting more and more challenging. Even though many users know how to navigate the algorithm, they realise that this is a full-time job. Logically, after this realisation, many seek an Instagram growth service to help them handle the workload. It’s a popular way to grow your account while not being constantly stuck on your phone.

I’ve been an Instagram nut for quite a while now and I adore the platform. I have my own take on each Instagram growth service out there – no wonder I’ve tried them all throughout the years. To get where I am now, I’ve searched high and low for quality services and systems and I explore the algorithm every single day to stay on top of things. Questions like ”Why is my Instagram engagement down?” and ”How to excel in SMM?” are common and I decided to address them.

Instagram growth service – what’s working best in SMM?

It’s only natural for people to look for easy solutions when it comes to work. It’s even more natural for ruling platforms, like Instagram, to give its best to prevent people from finding shortcuts. Instagram’s priority is to make users put their time on the platform. That’s why the most legit way to establish your brand across the platform is simply to spend time on it. Of course, only that won’t get you far. You actually need to have a clear strategy and the heart to follow it. If you haven’t got this by now, let me spill the beans – this is a long-haul journey and the question is, are you ready for it?

instagram marketing service

Results don’t come fast but to make sure you are on track, you need to see improvement every single day. Progress is a key and staying on one place won’t get you anywhere. That’s where strategy comes.

So the million dollar question is: If you pick the most popular Instagram growth service out there, pay a good amount of money for it, would it work?

An honest talk about an automated Instagram growth service

If we are talking about automatic solutions only, I hate to disappoint you – the answer is ”no”. Automating social media accounts sounds like a great idea, and for some of the social platforms that still works. But let’s face it, this is Instagram – they are no newbies here and their main goal is to make real people spend real time on the platform. Time is money – I know it, you know it and Instagram knows it. They give their best to prevent auto actions, bulk actions and anything that is slightly unnatural. They even go over the top and often real people could get flagged if acting not according to their standard.

Through the years I’ve tried various softwares like Jarvee, FollowAdder, FollowLiker, Likeitall and so many more. Knowing what’s out there is a part of my research and a way to get familiar with different growth methods. Assessing results from automation and manual work played a huge role in defining what works best on Instagram.

SMM tips and tricks

So what’s working?

Here’s the answer: A well-thought-out, strategic, person-driven Instagram growth service. The key is knowing the platform and using it in your favour.

To fire up your Instagram account you need a winning combination and I am here to share the basics with you. In Dini, our work is all about transparency and empowering businesses to unfold their potential.

  • Content – as a visual platform, Instagram is the place to catch attention with show-stopping graphics and impeccable design. Don’t forget that just design won’t do it. Social Media Design is a real thing and doing it right is crucial
  • Strategy – planning long-term is essential as success doesn’t come fast. Having a vision of what you want to achieve and actively working towards it is a key. Here are included a stable hashtag and posting strategies that would be the key to well performing posts = reaching wide audience
  • Steady frequency – feeding users with content is what Instagram wants you to do in order to reward you. More posts in even intervals of time means better ranking.
  • Engage – another way to keep users on the platform is by engaging with them. Enabling them to invest more time into checking their likes, reading and relying to comments and DM, making them watch stories and live video. When you engage, you also get engagement back to your own posts. It’s a win-win-win (for you, for other users, and most importantly for Instagram)
instagram growth service by humans

Best practices for Instagram growth

There are tendencies on social media. Updates are often taking place. The algorithm is treating you differently with time. Therefore, what worked yesterday, might not be working today. That’s why it’s worth mentioning what’s trending now and what makes a difference. I update this post regularly to make sure you are reading something that’s useful now. Let’s get down to business.

Make people spend more time on the platform – that’s what Instagram is interested in. The longer they have users online, the better. As a content creator, your best move is to help Instagram achieve this. If you post content that makes your audience stay online longer, the algorithm would reward you. This way you are beneficial. You help Instagram achieve their goal, so they help your content and account get popular.

How to make people spend more time on Instagram

  • Carousel posts – use the carousel option to upload more content. More content helps people spend more time on it. If they’d spend 3 seconds looking at 1 photo, they’d surely spend more time looking at multiple photos
  • Video posts – the longer the video, the more content it offers. Potentially this means longer time watching it. Including a video in a carousel post is a great option. It not only makes people stay engaged longer with your content, but it’s a great way to convey a more detailed message about your post. It’s a win-win
  • Stories – stories are casual and people love scrolling through them. There are over 500 million users using stories every day on Instagram. Viewers tend to tap on them before the story slide is over. That’s why I recommend creating more and shorter story slides rather than creating less slides that are with longer duration.

The good news – you can do it!

Trying to see things from a different angle, there is an Instagram growth service that works. But it for sure includes manual labour, thoughtful actions that align with a professional social media strategy and an intense content creation process. Let’s face it – if you want to do this right, it’s not a job for one person. Especially if you have a business to run. We know your pain and we know how to take it away from you. And the best part is, we love doing it!

We enjoy working with businesses that know what they want but aren’t sure how to achieve it. Partnering up with inspiring causes, teams and admirable missions is something that makes us shine and get even better at what we do. We learn every single day to help you grow and get the results you deserve. Enrolling in our services is gaining a partner, someone that has your back and looks out for you while you go out there and do what you do best – running your business.

As a part of their omni channel strategy, many businesses put a part of their budget on Influencer marketing. I also made sure to cover this topic in general and help you learn about Instagram web viewer and how it fits in your marketing tools.

Stay updated

The world of social media is dynamic, so is the algorithm. I constantly explore what’s new and my goal is to stay updated and write relevant content. That’s why this blog post is updated often. Addressing the most recent changes is crucial for success. You could bookmark this post and be sure that it provides you the latest information when there’s any.

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